Thursday, January 20, 2011

So........ !!!!!!!!

I Weighed in!!!!
And, i was pleasantly surprised!!! I was brave ya'll!
So, i have a goal weight - (1st goal) - loss of 25 pounds.
It's Achievable people!!!! And, if i do this, i will weight Less than i have in at LEAST 10 years.

So, This morning i stuck to the plan, with No issues.
I did keep the one cup of coffee, which is allowed.
The only thing that is not allowed is Milk or Sugar! :(
I did allow this ONE thing, Sugar Free Non Dairy Creamer.
That's my ONE give.
So, i am happy with the day so far.
I'm not hungry and feeling energetic and not shaky.

I'm even pushing the water.
I need 64 oz a day, says the book. That does not include the coffee or 3 cups of Green Tea Daily, that's also required.

We will see what Dinner and After dinner hold, my Weakness!!!!