Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank You!

We, in the last few weeks have received a few boxes from family and friends.
You all have no idea what it does for the kids,... and their frame of mind.
We are truly thankful!!!!!
Unfortunately i did not have the camera ready, or a hand available for use when opening the other boxes ... but here are the 2 pictures i did happen to catch.
Thank you to Jasmine, Meemaw and Mommy for the boxes!
Jasimine, Olivia LOVEs the clothing and Evan the Toy and Ava looks adorable in her outfit! I will take a pic and send it to you soon.
Meemaw, of course the clothing is Always appreciated!!! And the kids look adorable! :)
Mommy, Thank you so much for the clothing and the Goodies (Easter) ... They are enjoying them... and are thankful.
:-) Again... It's so nice of you to think if us~~~!!!
Thank you!!!